The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020

The Silent Crisis

The Silent Crisis

“Fungal infections are an overlooked emerging disaster” Kainz et al., Microbial Cell, June 2020


IPO 2021 

IPO Prospectus 2021
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Investor Brochure
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Terms and Conditions for Warrants TO1
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Supplement to Biosergen's prospectus due to admission to trading on Nasdaq First North
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IPO 2021

 Biosergen intends to list its shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm

Biosergen avser att notera sina aktier på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm